Day 8 – 8/10/11 – More Awesome Riding in Marysvale – by Bobbi

I know I haven’t updated this in a while, but I have been attaching comments to most of my pictures in the SmugMug galleries before.  So, when you are looking at any of the galleries before Day 8, you will see a comment under each picture only if you click on it and look it on the right side of the screen.  This can kinda be a pain for you, but was fun for me to describe what was happening in some of the photos.   From now on, I am just writing a description about each gallery on the SmugMug site – click here!

*All you need to do is go to this site, click on a gallery, or day that you want to look at, and the summary of our day will be right at the top of the page above all the pictures.  You can’t miss it!  I will also copy each and post it here.  Also, I know there are a TON of pictures, but feel free to just look at the small pics and scroll through each of the pages, and only click on the pictures you want to see bigger.

P.S.  I am so excited to see everyone in person and show you my ring and give you hugs when I get home.  I also have a bunch more pictures of my ring, but I don’t want anyone checking it out too much on the site….I want to show you in person!  🙂  Miss you all!

 Day 8 – 8/10/11 – More Awesome Riding in Marysvale

Marysvale is so far one of our favorite places to ride. We were able to take a 50 mile trail through the mountains and loved it! We even took a trail that was specifically created for only ATV’s smaller then 50 inches wide. It was awesome! We also found a spot in the trail that looked like a speedway!

There was a nice overlook further up the trail, so we took pictures and videos of each other blasting up the switchbacks of the trail! I bought new goggles and we bought dust masks to keep the dust out of our faces. I love how Zac was my tour guide. He looks so cute with a huge map in his hand in the middle of a desert!

I couldn’t believe how many people owned quads and side by sides here. We saw them everywhere in town, but luckily only ran into other riders once in a while. The 300+ miles of trail really spread everyone out.

I especially loved seeing the riders who brought their dogs. You will find some of those pics in this gallery too. If you get a chance, come here! It’s the best trail system and campground we have seen on our trip! Lizzie and Charlies Campground also has a website if you want to check it out.

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